ways to donate
Giving to the LAC is a reciprocal benefit. Every donation to the LAC makes a difference and is given back to the community through arts and culture programs.
The LAC is a not for profit registered charitable organization reliant on community support. Our community is brighter and more artful because of your support.
Donate Funding
- aid in our mission to create, sustain and celebrate the arts
- give to develop programs that brighten our community
- grant arts and culture opportunities for artists
- support the development of education and learning programs
- help to sustain and grow the LAC now and for further generations
- Every donation will receive a charitable donation income tax receipt
Donate Art
The SEAA/LAC’s collection is of great pride amongst its staff, members, and constituents. We take seriously our mission to enrich culture through the collection and preservation of art. Since its founding in 1971, the SEAA/LAC has acquired hundreds of works of art, collecting in the areas of Canadian and international historical and contemporary art. As well, the Gallery enjoys two specialized collections: The Henry Collection and Graydon Dyck.
The collection has been built both through donated gifts and considered purchases. Approximately 90% of Gallery acquisitions come from private donors—often dedicated collectors looking for a permanent home for their works where they will be appreciated, cared for, and put on display for others to enjoy. Artists also donate their work, such as Jeet Aulakh’s Namo Ek Yoge; 2010 oil on canvas. It is because of the generosity of these donors that the SEAA/LAC enjoys the position it holds as a collecting institution.
Thank you for your interest in donating art to the South Essex Arts Association/ Leamington Arts Centre. We receive many donation request each year, and while some of them are perfect for our Collection, others do not fit as well.
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In 2018, Tony Paginton & Roswita Busskamp generously donated 9 works to the LAC permanent collection by Canadian Plein-Air Landscape Painter, George Paginton.
Gallery Sponsorship + Naming Rights
- Southpoint Sun Gallery
- Art Alive! Gallery
- Honey Family Foundation WECF Community Gallery + Meeting Space
- Art Supply Shop (available)
- Market Place (available)
- Education Studio (available)
- Board Room (available)
- Patio (available)
- Entrance (available)
- Donor Wall (annual/available)

In 2020, Mr. Donald Waffle generously Sponsored and Named the ART ALIVe! Gallery on the main floor. With this sponsorship Mr. Waffle also donated several works to the LAC collection.
Legacy + Planned Giving
You may want to consider planned or deferred gifts, such as:
- a bequest
- a scholarship
- an investment fund or reserve fund
- gallery sponsorship naming rights
By contributing to the LAC today, donors can continue to enjoy the LAC’s activities and share the results of their generosity with others.
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Corporate Sponsorship + Partnerships
With the help and support of our community partners and sponsors the LAC is able to offer many programs and services to the community.
The LAC offers a wide range of opportunities for businesses to promote themselves while also showing their community support through sponsorship. Becoming a sponsor is great way to gain community trust and awareness.
The LAC has many levels and opportunities for any size business to support the arts in their community and to promote their own brand.
There are sponsorship options available for exhibitions, children’s programs, special events, and more.
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