Pictured: Lighthouse, back ash tree carving by Robin Wenzoski
Following the tornado on June 6, 2010 which devastated many parts in Leamington, 68 trees were destroyed or damaged to point that they had to be removed from Seacliff Park. Three large tree trunks remained at Seacliff Park and together, the Municipality of Leamington, the Leamington Arts Centre and the Windsor Essex Woodcarvers, initiated a “Tree Legacy Project.” A call for proposals was sent out, carvers Robin Wenzoski, Paul Danielski, and Mike Winia were the successful candidates.
The Tree Legacy Project transformed three large tree trunks into unique public art located at Seacliff Park, and served as a reminder of Leamington’s strength and renewal that happened after the tornado. The tree carvings are a legacy for years afterwards and stand tall as new trees were planted around the park.
Seacliff Park is home to a state of the art Amphitheatre, that overlooks Lake Erie hosting a variety of arts and culture events.
Backbone of the Community, tree carving by Paul Danielski
Natural Resources, tree carving by Mike Winia
Tree carving in progress
TREE LEGACY VIEWING LOCATION: Seacliff Park, 24 Seacliff Dr.West, Leamington, ON